Kens commentary on the book of job

Here are some of my reactions to using this book as a reference. Commentary on the book of job by matthew henry old. God says to job, now i want you to pray for your friends these three dear men, so stubborn, so sure that they had all the answers, so well meaning, so sincere, so dedicated, but such utter blunderers. German bible scholar georg ewald turns his attention to the book of job in this commentary. It is found in the third section of the biblical canon known as the ketuvim writings.

There was a man in the land of uz, whose name was job. Commentary, new translation, special studies is one of the most interesting commentaries on the biblical text that carlyle called the grandest book ever written with pen. No answers are given, but god reminds us to trust his wisdom and. These are suggested passages from the book of job to be used for a. Commentary on the book of job the book comes to an end job 42. Job was upright and honest, and yet grew rich, nay, therefore grew rich. He was, in fact, the richest person in that entire area. Five truths for sufferers from the book of job the gospel coalition.

How does the book of job help disciples of jesus christ remain faithful to god as. The book of job is among the other old testament books both a philosophical riddle and a historical riddle. Hartleys commentary is quite recent 1990 and is considered a good complement to clines. Job and his friends thought that god made job suffer. Theyve all had a turn to speak to him and so now hes going to take chapters 12, and 14 to address them. While clearly one of the fiercest creatures that god made, it is difficult to establish exactly what leviathan was. Matthew henrys concise commentary on the whole bible job. Its incredibly complex and obscure hebrew allowing for multiple translations and meanings. The big picture of job is that there was a man who was, in one sense, blameless in god s sight.

The writer of job doesnt dwell on this part of the story, however. The skeptical character of the symposium, with its challenge to timehonored views, most likely would have kept the book of job out of the canon of old testament writings had some additions not been made to the original book. Joseph prince the story of job through the lens of grace 21 jul duration. The name job indicates one who is hated or persecuted. The use of this preexisting material very cleverly placed the problem outside of palestine, thereby excluding the possible objection of orthodox theology that such a casea perfectly righteous man persecuted by yhwh. Andersen job tyndale old testament commentaries, 1976. The book of job is a timeless book in which the ever present problem of human suffering and especially in the case of believers is treated. Job s friends did not blame satan for job s troubles.

This book has been described as probably the best bible commentary ever written. Therefore, there must be a lot to gain from the deep study of the book of job. Instead, i sampled his work focusing on one chapter of the book of job, chapter 38, on which i was doing a special study. After having said that, i have know the pain and confusion of. The last of the book is a beautiful picture of what james calls the tender mercies of god toward job james 5. Rabbi breitowitz responds to these fundamental issues based on the book of job. Eliphaz continues 6 although affliction cometh not forth of the dust, neither doth trouble spring out of the ground. Job proves faithful to god in prosperity and in adversity. Like anything in life, the reward for success reflects the amount of effort put. Commentary on the book of job chapter one by wm w wells. John walton, job, lecture 6, purpose of the book of job youtube. His friends had no proof whatever to the contrary of what job said, for his actions had been good, but at the end of this book, job s attitude is wonderfully changed. He was the greatest man among all the people of the east.

It should be kept in mind that job is not the author. This may well have been true in 1926 when it was first published. This is the second in a series on types of christ symbolized throughout the bible. And there, in chapter 16, job had ended there speaking of how he despaired of life. Job 15 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, by the leading authority in the church of christ, presents a verse level look at the bible. It has been supposed by some that the book of job is an allegory, not a real narrative, on account of the artificial character of many of its statements. Yet most people today have never heard of john gill. The big picture of job is that there was a man who was, in one sense, blameless in gods sight. Job 22 commentary james burton coffman commentaries on the. Though it is hard and rare, it is not impossible for a rich man to enter into the kingdom. His false charges accusing job of specific sins the only thing new in this speech of eliphaz was the list of specific sins he charged him with committing.

Job is a righteous man who suffers greatly and displays amazing piety. Job is a book that ranks as one of the most difficult books in thetanach bible, for two reasons. He is not as wellknown as some of the other commentators mentioned in these posts, but he was a godly man, and his devotion to jesus christ is evident on the pages of his commentary on job. Thus the sacred numbers, three and seven, often occur. Job 1 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. Esports rivalry on kens 5 between overwatch leagues dallas fuel, houston outlaws. Sssh the book of job job stands as a symbol for all humanity, for we all have been caught up in the great controversy, a. There was a man in the land of uz, whose name was job we have observed in the argument, that the firstborn son of nahor, abrahams brother, was called uz. Job 15 commentary james burton coffman commentaries on the. We studied job, chapter 16 last time where job was responding to eliphaz.

For many years young earth creation science believers have pointed to the book of job, chapters 4041, as evidence that dinosaurs lived recently. The events of job s suffering are quickly narrated in order to get to the core of the book. Then the wrath of elihu, the son of barachel the buzite, of the family of ram, was aroused against job. On the contrary, god speaks directly to job, just as he does in the patriarchal. Job 41 portrays a singularly aweinspiring creature. The book of job, named after its protagonist apparently not an israelite. To bring us up to speed, for the last few lessons weve seen job speak in response to his friends assertions concerning him. The bible describes a sharptoothed, scaled creature whose habitat is the mire and deep waters. Prologue job is tested 12 job s soliloquy 3 the great debate. Lets open our bibles to job chapter 15 for this job 15 commentary. The contents of the book, together with its artistic structure and elegant style, place it. It is the philosophical riddle that concerns us in such an introduction as this.

The author of the book of job incorporated the folk book into his work in a manner still showing traces of the component parts. And there is a reality called satan who challenges god that his man is not as good as he thinks he is. The old testament book of job and the 17th chapter. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of bible. You can find the best commentary on job for you using the tools on the right side. In the book of job, we find questions about gods justice and why good people suffer. So job thought that god caused the problems job 19. David kimchi, who keeps best to the grammaticalhistorical course, has not expounded the book of job. And now in job 15, eliphaz responds for the second time. Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible, who published his works in 1706, sixvolume exposition of the old and new testaments 17081710 or complete commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the bible, covering the whole of the old testament, and the gospels and acts in the new testament. Key personalities of this book include job, eliphaz the temanite, bildad the shuhite, zophar the naamathite, and elihu the buzite. The commentary includes the hebrew text plus an english translation of the entire book of job.

Job 1, new international version niv the bible app. He lived soon after abraham, or perhaps before that patriarch. It is possible that job is the oldest of any book of the bible written approximately 21001800 b. In order to set the record straight, lets examine this passage of scripture, and see what the possibilities are. I dont know pain to the degree that job knew pain, but i know pain. In the last 80 years, a flood of new light has been cast on the old testament by archaeology, comparative linguistics and other disciplines.

Commentary on the book of job with translation logos. Third cycle of speeches 2231 young elihu speaks 3237 god speaks to job 38. This commentary on job follows in the tradition of the nicot series by providing an uptodate evangelical commentary based on thorough scholarship. A major difficulty in understanding the meaning of the book is, what insight leads job to submit so humbly to god at the end. Job free bible commentary in easy english easyenglish bible. That each would be able to understand how to deal with suffering in ones own life and also in the lives of others. The book of job teaches us many things about the devil. The book of job, in the old testament, opens with words both majestic and onceuponatimeish. The book of job discusses why god allows pain and suffering.

In the book of genesis, god placed a curse on adam and eve subsequent to the fall, saying, i will put enmity between you and the woman genesis 3. Introduction to the book of job society of gilbert keith. Open your bibles to job, chapter 12 for this job 12 commentary. Jobs wealth, with his wisdom, entitled him to the honour and power he had in his country, which he describes job 29.

The book of job, book of hebrew scripture that is often counted among the masterpieces of world literature. He systematically goes over each section of job as a drama, highlighting the contentions and resolutions throughout. In this lesson we will look at several lessons from the book of job on the subject of suffering. Though it is hard and rare, it is not impossible for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. Most likely it was written by job himself, and it is the most ancient book. Abenezra the spaniard, who wrote his commentary on the book of job in rome, 1175, delights in new bold ideas, and to enshroud himself in a mystifying nimbus. By gods grace the temptations of worldly wealth may be overcome. The one who had such confidence in his own righteousness, when face to face with god, said, i have heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you. Hugh ross phd, university of toronto is founder and president of reasons to believe. The fact that it is no matter connected to time or place is underlined by the lack of dates in this book. I cant claim the perfect and uprightness of job because i have had my failings in life. All opinions on this blog belong to each of the kens respectively.

The book of job tells the story of a man called job. Creation science and biblical interpretation, job 4041. Its author is unknown yet it is possible that job himself wrote it. Hartley deals carefully with this book whose language, text, and theology are not only among the most intriguing in the old testament but also among the most difficult to grasp. The loss of job s property, and the death of his children. Satan claims that job isnt such a great servant, and that he only serves gd because he is wealthy and things are always going his way. The account of job s piety and prosperity comes before the history of his great afflictions, showing that neither will secure from troubles. It is plain, from this history, that the lord watched over his servant job with the affection of a wise and loving father. The name job is the english translation of the hebrew name iyov which means persecuted, hated on the surface job is a long, boring, somewhat confusing book and one might question how it ever came to be grouped with the wisdom books as it is hard to ascertain any wisdom in this tale of woe. Oct 07, 2012 job is a righteous man who suffers greatly and displays amazing piety. Gordis method of interpretation, which he calls in his introduction vertical, reaches out in time to later periods in the historical. Tremper longman calls it a major contribution to the study of the book and explains this is because it examines all the facets of the book, not necessarily because it is terribly original. John hartley the book of job new international commentary on the old testament, 1988.

I may be somewhat partial to the commentary by elmer smick because he was one of my professors during the final years of his life. Top 5 commentaries on the book of job ligonier ministries. John gill s exposition of the bible he preached in the same church as c. This book is so called from job, whose prosperity, afflictions, and restoration, are here recorded.

The book of job is one of the most problematic portions of the bible and has called forth a variety of interpretations. Job s final speech in his own defense is probably where the book originally ended. The book of job challenges the simple equation of suffering with punishment. In other words, trouble and affliction like job is experiencing dont just come from nowhere. The 15 th chapter of the old testament book of job. A free bible version and commentary on the old testament book of job in easyenglish. The word enmity here is eybah strong, h342 and also derives from the root word ayab. There are no references to the law of moses, the tabernacle, the priesthood, the judges or kings, etc. He also examines the date and history of job as well. The books theme is the eternal problem of unmerited suffering, and it is named after its central.

The complex and delicate nature of the subject matter. He has published major commentaries on genesis and job in the nivac series. On the contrary, god speaks directly to job, just as he does in the patriarchal age with noah, abraham, isaac, jacob, and other heads of. Were entering a section in which job responds to his three friends.

Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. But the odious judgments made by his friends caution us against making toocertain application of any model to our own lives. The book of job has times and times again been numbered amidst the best works of this worlds. Hidden treasures in the book of job shows that the bible is an accurate predictor of scientific discoveries and a trustworthy source of scientific information, and that the book of scripture and the book of nature are consistent both internally and externally. Matthew henrys concise commentary on the book of job. God says to job, now i want you to pray for your friends these three dear men, so stubborn, so sure that they had all the answers, so well meaning, so sincere, so. Commentary on the book of job chapter four by wm w wells.

So these three men ceased answering job, because he was righteous in his own eyes. In the introduction, ewald gives context to the format, content, and style of the book as poem. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the jews. Another great doctrine of the faith, particularly set forth in the book of job, is that of providence. In case you were wondering, ken s commentary is actually managed by two different individuals, both with the same name.